A network is at least two computers connected to each other so… the internet is a global network comprised out of more networks. It’s a collection of computers that are physically connected to each other via cables that run under the sea. Crazy right? It’s not communication over satellites or a magical cloud floating around somewhere like we all might have thought.

Client-Server Model
First of all, we must understand what the client-server model is. A server is a special computer, whose sole purpose is to provide a service or services to another computer and its user. For example, webpages are files that are located on a server.
The computers and devices you and I use are called clients because, unlike a server, they are connected indirectly to the internet through an Internet Service Provider (ISP) such as Xfinity, Comcast, Spectrum, etc.
When you google Amazon.com, your computer creates a request for Amazon’s server. The request is then broken up into packets or segments of data. That data travels through your router to your Internet Service Provider and into the internet. The segments of data hop from router to router until they reach their destination where they can be reassembled. Once amazon’s server receives your webpage request for Amazon, It sends it back to you, and it has to go through the same steps to get back to you. When your computer receives it, the data is reassembled into the webpage and you are able to view Amazon.com on your browser. This is known as the client-server model. Similar to a restaurant, you the client make a request and the server provides a service by bringing your request.

It’s interesting how all of this usually happens in the blink of an eye while other times… not so much. Next time you feel that your internet is taking forever, think about how far some of the data has to travel and how congested traffic could be before it can load to your browser.